CAMO Services

Part-CAMO approval DE.EASA.0029

BDA-CAMO-103 approval

Cayman approval CAY-CAMO-051190

Bailiwick of GUERNSEY approval 2-REG.39.121

As an approved independent Part- M CAMO organisation we

  • Support aircraft owners and lease managers with compliance to EU regulation 1321/2014 requirements for continued airworthiness management (EASA Part-CAMO & Part-M, Section A, Subpart G) and liaison with the aviation authorities.
  • Have the privilege to issue recommendation or Airworthiness Review Certificate after an Airworthiness Review as per CAMO.A.320.
  • Perform aircraft technical physical inspections, aircraft records reviews and reviews of compliance to EU requirements.
  • Develop customised aircraft maintenance programs.
  • Contract and audit maintenance service providers.
  • Prepare, issue and review work packages in compliance with aircraft maintenance programs and applicable legal requirements, incl. controlling of performed maintenance.